Our Research

Our research centers on the interplay of software and hardware in post-Moore systems — specialized systems comprising tightly integrated and co-designed hardware and software components. We are interested in the nascent challenges in designing, implementing, and maintaining post-Moore systems in different application domains; starting with data center network communication and machine learning systems. Our research develops abstractions, tooling, and methodology for building efficient post-Moore systems and applications with manageable complexity and cost, through modular and re-usable components.

We envision a future where specialized, tightly integrated, and efficient post-Moore hardware-software systems can be rapidly and efficiently prototyped and evaluated.

Our research is practical in nature, taking ideas all the way to full prototype implementations, building concrete solutions to problems in several domains, and resulting in top-tier publications alongside substantial open source releases.



NEW COURSE SwiSH Winter’24/25 Systems with Specialized Hardware at Saarland University kicks off today.


The Summer’24 iteration of our OS core course at Saarland University starts today with a record number of students.


We congratulate Liam on accepting a PhD position at UCSD to work with Amy Ousterhout and Alex Snoeren!


Matheus will be doing an internship with the Systems Research group at MSR this summer!


Vaastav will be doing an internship with the Azure Research - Systems group at MSR this summer!


We kicked off our hands-on seminar on Accelerating Applications with Specialized Hardware. The projects are available open-source.


Matheus and Jonas have won first and third place in the graduate category of the SOSP student research competition for Virtuoso and AC/DSim respectively.


Our Pre-Submission Application Review program is now live! More info at PAR!


Matheus and Jonas have both passed the first round of the SOSP student research competition and will present posters on Virtuoso and AC/DSim!


Blueprint was accepted at SOSP’23. Vaastav will present it in October in Koblenz!


We are teaching the winter 2023/24 seminar/lab on Accelerating Applications with Specialized Hardware at UdS.


Tejas Harith will join our group as a doctoral student.


Hejing presented her ongoing work on parallelizing existing simulators at YArch’23.